How Summer Camp Can Take You To The Next Level

This week I’m going to take a detour from some regular blog topics. Band Dynamics has been gearing up for our 2017 Rock To Your Potential summer camp and I couldn’t be more excited! This is by far one of the coolest things we get to do all year!

So if you’re brand new to Band Dynamics, or you’ve been around for a while, you’ve probably heard us teachers say this summer camp can take you to the next level. And that’s true.  From beginners to experienced band musicians, summer camp is an experience unlike any other! On day one you’re fitted with a band of peers, and by day 6 you’re performing with them on stage. Let that sink in- in just 6 days, you’ve gone from no band…. To BEING ON STAGE! How cool is that!? So you’re sitting there thinking, “yeah I get it, but I’m already really good” or “I already have a band” maybe “but I can’t play a concert in under a week”. So how can summer camp take YOU the next level?

The beginner’s guide

bass player

Let’s talk about level zero. Ground level. If you’re a beginner, you have so much to gain! A full day of music- it’s just amazing! You won’t be the only beginner. You’ll be with other students who are just starting out and who encourage and help you learn. Our coaches teach the essential techniques to get you playing tunes right out of the gate and accurately. In my years of teaching at our summer camps, it’s usually these bands that make the most progress and play some of the coolest music! And if you’re brand new to music, we’ve got you covered. Join us for pre camp lessons! We’ll give you a head start in private, one-on-one lessons with teachers that will coach you in summer camp.


I’m already in a band… but I definitely want to be on stage more!

guitar player

Maybe you’re already in a band at Band Dynamics. That is cool. You are cool. Keep doing that cool thing.  Here’s your chance to get more! Take another opportunity to jump on stage. The more experience you have, the easier it gets! Jump on stage every chance you get- like this chance! Are you the guitar player in your band but love playing drums? This is the week to do that! Try a different instrument and take the week to explore new musical ideas. Learn a bit of piano and bring it back to your band!


But I really like my band…

band mates

I totally understand- I love my band too. So join summer camp with them! You may not know, but summer camp is a completely different type of band! Your weekly practice is just 90 minutes a week. And you know better than anyone, just how short an hour and a half can be.  This can be an intense week for existing bands. Take a whole week off regular life to focus on just music, just the band, your goals, dreams, and aspirations! Build your setlist up! We’ve seen bands go from 3 songs, to having a setlist of 10 songs after camp.


Never been in a band?


Being in a band can be a lot of time and dedication. Maybe you’ve always wanted to be in a band! But you’re so busy with AP classes, and soccer, and the musical is always so fun! But it leaves you with no time to get together with your friends and jam. Here’s your chance! Just like any band, it will take time and dedication- but all jam packed into one week. No school to get in the way. No obligations. Just music!


Any way you slice it, it’s an entire week of music. And a whole week of music will only improve you as a musician. This summer camp can take you to the next level. Are you ready for that? Do you want to play more? If so, we’ve got details about our summer camp here, and you can sign up here today! We can't wait to jam with you this summer!


Stephan Hume