Iconic cover songs

As a musician, you’ve played your fair share of songs written by your favorite artists. And the longer you play, the longer that list becomes. You might learn a song and find your own way to spice it up. Maybe it’s throwing in some cool licks, or speeding it up and throwing on the distortion! Slow it down and play it as an acoustic ballad. We’ve all made little changes to our favorite songs. Once in a while an artist grabs ahold of a song and changes the way you hear it entirely! Making their version an instant classic. Here are a few iconic cover songs that you might know better than the original.

Higher Ground- Stevie Wonder/Red Hot Chili Peppers

Stevie Wonder is known for his soothing music. And Red Hot Chili Peppers… Well not so much. This song was no exception to the energy and funk that makes up RHCP.

Under Pressure- Queen Feat. David Bowie/ My Chemical Romance Feat. The Used

Ok, so the original is AWESOME! Timeless. Classic. Number one! I’ll be bold enough to say that no cover will ever be better than the original. But this cover isn’t half bad! In their young band days when they were just making a name for themselves, My Chemical Romance and The Used had become friends after touring together.

Take on Me- A-ha/ Reel Big Fish

Reel Big Fish took this new wave hit and made a completely punk/ska cover. I still think the original music video is a bit more fun.

You Really Got Me- The Kinks/Van Halen

Before becoming the rock legends they are today, Van Halen would practice cover songs in their garage. This one made it onto their debut album. Gotta say. That solo kinda puts the original solo to shame

All Along The Watchtower- Bob Dylan/ Jimi Hendrix

So if you’re like me, you might nothave known this was even a cover! Bob Dylan originally recorded this in November of 1967. Hendrix started recording his version in January of 1968. A true testament to Jimi’s guitar skill! Probably the most notable of all iconic cover songs.

If you're looking to learn any of these cool songs on guitar, bass, drums, or maybe sing them in a band sign up here for music lessons today at Band Dynamics! 

Nickelback coveringMetallica

There have literally been articles written about why we hate Nickelback. Seriously. Click here to read that article.Not exactly an iconic cover song but hey, they’re on their way to redemption.

Stephan Hume